
Friday, October 22, 2010

What's the word??

Greetings from Orlando - specifically Orlando International Airport. Waiting on my 1:30 flight... which is now at 1:50. So glad to head back to SC. We had a great time in Isle of Palms last weekend, but I'm still pretty sad that we didn't get to spend our anniversary together. Next year we will have much better planning. Instead my 3rd anniversary was spent sitting in conference sessions all day. I'll admit, it wasn't all bad. The opening session for the Make-A-Wish Foundation 30th anniversary conference was awesome! Disney brought in all the families who were there on their wish trips and they surrounded the room with balloons in tow. Then all the Disney characters came out to greet them. It was an amazing an inspirational moment that trully defined the purpose of why we were all there and why what me do is important - to create magical moments and experiences for the children that have life-threatening conditions and get to benefit from our foundation.

J and I have decied to save our pennies and come down to Walt Disney World next October for our 4th anniversary and my 30th birthday. It will also be Disney's 40th birthday; and they always have spectacular celebrations. The theme that they are unveiling for 2011 is Wishes & Memories. Sounds pretty good to me.

In other news I was recently appointed as the President of the Sisters in Law of York County; the spouses support group for the York County Sheriff's Office. While I wasn't completely convinced that I was the best person for the job, I am looking forward to expanding our group and making a larger impact throughout our community. I have some BIG plans for National Police Week 2011 - which I like to call Law Enforcement Appreciation Week. Another blood drive, a formal dinner, golf tournament, family walk/5k and MUCH more!!! Look for details coming soon.....

Tomorrow is our (Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina) Walk For Wishes at Carowinds and Wish Reunion. I'm very proud of Sandra for all the work she has put into the Walk and can't wait to see the grand total results of her efforts. It has been a love/hate relationship for her, but in the end it's always worth it. The Wish Reunion is sure to be a blast as well. We have distributed ALL of the 2000 tickets that we were given for our families. Praying for good weather so we have good turnouts for both events and so that everyone has an enjoyable time.

Our plane is getting ready to board... Sweet Home Carolina!!! Can't wait to see my hubby and spend the rest of the weekend hanging out with him!

Love & Best Wishes

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