
Thursday, November 4, 2010

29 and counting...

So week one of being 29 has been.... interesting.

Sunday was the anniversary of the day of my birth. It was a pretty good day. Started at children's church, went to hibachi for lunch, got to pick out a new necklace for my gift from my hubby, had a massage and went to pass out candy and hang with friends for Trick-or-Treat.

Monday an interesting thing happened; not sure how to explain but I have some Federal Labor Law's to research.

Tuesday I had Facebook interaction that was aggravating. After changing our anniversary plans due to lack of communication, the causing factor asked for justification for the alterations. Hmmmmm........

Wednesday: a fifth grader about brought me to tears at church. Not for a good reason. I got my feelings hurt and was reminded that I need to always tell people when my feelings get hurt or nothing can be done about it.

Today, I went to the Ballantyne Hotel & Lodge (aka Ballantyne Resort) for a work meeting. As I was going into the hotel a person yelled my name from the balcony and told me to come up to their room. Very weird. I have no idea who it was or if they didn't know me how they knew my name. Oh well. Guess you can tell I'm not adventurous (read: dumb) and didn't go see who it was.

Not looking forward to the cold nights we're expecting this weekend, however, I am very excited to go to the Baxter Fall Festival and Market Day on Saturday with Go Baby Go Shop of SC & Fit For a Princess AND to painting the Hoover girl's mermaid bathroom on Sunday.

51 weeks and I'll be 30!! :)

Love & Best Wishes <3

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