
Thursday, October 7, 2010


I recently realized that some people see bits and pieces of what I'm involved in, but not the whole picture.

I sit everyday at my desk at the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina where I'm the Marketing Manager. I hear stories of kids that have life-threatening medical conditions and create communication and collateral to help make those wishes come true. If I don't have a scheduled meeting or activity, I usually go home and continue to work on the projects that I complete for the wish granting and development departments of my office OR for internal or third-party events that we benefit from.

I am the youth ministry leader for the Wednesday night KidServe program at Carolina's Cornerstone Churhc. This group of kids focuses on mission work and serving others and the helping the community. Then on Sundays in alternating months I also am a small group leader for the 5year-old to 5th grade girls during our 11:00 service.

I am a member of the Sisters in Law of York County, which is a support and service group comprised of the spouses of law enforcement that work for the YC Sheriff's Office. These ladies give their spouses everyday as they serve to protect and keep our community safe.

I belong to a ladies Bunco group that get together once a month to socialize and play bunco.

I have have a start-up design company, LW Designs. I create custom invitations, business identity, event management and home art. I am currently working on projects for the USO, a vision therapy company and a local dentist. I also have 2 mural projects lined up for the month of Ocotber - a nursery and a kids bathroom. I am starting to develop holiday cards for 2010.

I also am an independant consultant for Thirty-One gifts. This is the least time consuming of my activities as I have only held online parties to date. The products are awesome and the company is Christian-based.

I am a wish granter for BOTH the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina AND MAW of South Carolina. I am currently working on helping to recruit more volunteers in South Carolina and planning a BUNCO fundraiser for their chapter since they are struggling with funds.

My husband and I will be celebrating our third anniversay on October 20th - in separate locations. I will be in Orlando for a MAW national conference and he will be in Aiken fishing with his daddy.

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