
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where's Lisa

Where has the time gone?? I can't believe I haven't written a blog in over a month.

KidServe Children's Ministry is going AWESOME!! We've gone through three weeks learning about service and feeding the hungry. The kids have been collecting all kids of non-perishables for the Fort Mill Care Center. We were selected by Kids Care Clubs as the recipient of a $250 mini-grant for October. The kids will be making ceramic bowls for Empty Bowls which we will auction off as a way to raise money to help FMCC as well.

I've also been reading Purpose Driven Life with my friend and co-worker Sandra. It has been so helpful. I can't believe that I've been able to learn so much about myself through a book.

I got disappointing news recently; my trip to Disney World has been postponed. My discount fell through and we hadn't budgeted to pay full price for our big trip. Instead we're going to take an anniversary trip to the beach and take a trip to Disney next year. It will be Disney's 40th anniversary and my 30th birthday!!

Lots of projects coming up... a new bathroom mural, a nursery mural, Toy Story mural, a couple of canvas paintings, Christmas cards, new business logo and colatteral design and much more!!

The Thirty-One business is not going very well. Who knew it would be so difficult to sell cute bags?! I love them, but I'm not quite as persuasive in getting others to.

Hope to have some new pictures of work up soon.

Love & Best Wishes!!

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