
Monday, July 5, 2010

They say you can't go home again... well who are "they"???

As I began my last day of vacation in Pittsburgh, I found myself thinking about my family and friends I got to see while I was visiting. I realized how lucky I am to have been placed in the family I have as I consider most of them friends as well. Although most of them are extended, I always think of them as immediate relatives. I am also blessed to have the friends that I have because, to me, they are also family.

My mother is a wonderful person. I treasure the moments that we have together now more than ever. I hate that they are few and far between. But without her support and guidance throughout my life, I wouldn’t be able to be where I am in my life – location, career-wise, emotionally, etc. I hope that the future allows us many more memories and much more time together.

Not only did I get to see my mommy, I visited with my sister (and Brandon), my granny, and my family, I got to hang out with my forever-friend, Annika and her family. It’s amazing to see how big her boys are getting. It seems like they were all babies yesterday, and like all kids, they grow up too fast. Joshua is just like his mommy and we can pick up just as naturally as if I had just seen him yesterday. Adam may have his mommy’s looks, but is his father’s son. He looks at you like you just took away his favorite toy… but secretly he’s just playing. Caleb is a shy little boy – nothing like his parents!! But once he gets used to you is super sweet and friendly. I found the way to his heart was through my beloved Snyder’s BBQ potato chips. He’s a momma’s boy and the “runt” of the Jackowski pack. LOVE THEM ALL!!!

The hardest part of going home, is having to go back to my home. As much as I love the people I left behind, the place and the life were not mine. I reminded of that in reminiscing about the past. The life that I had was one that I was placed in and the personality I lived was created for me. When I return to my home, I am me. I am the person that I want to be, that I am by nature - a little sweet, a little sassy, a little city and a little southern, and a person that is unique and secure. If I could create a perfect mix of the two lives I’ve lived, I don’t know that I would. The past reminds me to always look towards the future and never have regrets. The present allows me to live the life that I love and be thankful for all that I have been through to get where I am today.

Love and Best Wishes <3

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