
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sweet home....

Such a busy week!!!

I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post. I can't even remember what all I've done because I've done so much. I did spend time working on a beautiful mural at my new friend Kellie's house. It's a beautiful jungle scene - giraffe, zebra, tree with 2 monkeys and some vines and flowers. A couple more hours of work paiting and I'll have pictures to share. We're thinking about doing 2 more murals, one in Brinlie's room and one in the girl's bathroom. It's nice to be able to provide artwork that will last for a while for them to enjoy AND getting to focus my energy on painting projects.

I'm so happy to get to spend time with family this week. Last Wednesday I went to BBQ with my hubby, 2 aunts, 2 cousins and cousin's 2 babies. Then we got to go up to the lake and have dinner with them all and my uncle, cousin and cousin-in-law on Friday. I often forget how much I love the water until I'm sitting watching it. It's so beautiful and wonderful to enjoy nature. This Wednesday I flew home for the holiday weekend. On the first flight from Charlotte to Newark I got to see the NYC skyline and Statue of Liberty as we made our approach to the airport. I also had a great view of the Pittsburgh skyline on the flight from Newark to Pittsburgh. I often forget how much I loved living in the city. Although, I'm not sure that I would give up my current life for anything.

Today was a fun day spent with my sister, her boyfriend and my mommy at Kennywood. Rode lots of my favorite rides, and some new ones too, ate food that was awful for me and watched a Weiner dog race and fireworks. Also got to see my BFF Annika, her babies and mom. Tomorrow is mani/pedi with my sister, lunch, shopping and then dinner with Annika. Saturday is more family time at Gracie's 1st birthday party. Sunday we are going to the Three Rivers Regatta and then Monday it's back to SC.

I wish there were more hours in the day and less miles between this house and mine. I love my home and my life, but I love this too.

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