
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Birthday and babies

No one has been successful in deterring me from adding additional volunteering to my schedule... HAHAHA. Good thing I <3 it.

VBS finshed out very well last week. I capped it off with Friday Double Date Day. Went on a lunch date with the hubby, then after the VBS family night went to a massage, dinner and a movie. It was an AWESOME Friday.

We spent Saturday poolside celebrating Mason's 2nd and Cole's 4th birthdays with the Wooten's and other friends at the YMCA pool. Then we came home and out power went out. It's very nerve-racking for the power to got when you're a homeowner. I would not allow the refridgerator to be opened for fear of losing all our food in the fridge and freezer. It finally came back on around 11pm and we were able to sleep comfortably in our ice-box house.

On Wednesday, the UPS man delivered my Thirty-One new consultant kit. I went through all the goodies and got REALLY excited. I'm so glad that I got most all the pieces I had on my wish list and I get to share them with others by being a consultant. Now I just need to book some parties. LOL!! That's the hard part. I feel like everyone I talk to has wither been to a party or has been contacted by someone else to host. Oh well, at least I got products I love either way.

I also visited with Kellie to do a consult on two more rooms. Brinlie is getting butterflies and flowers and a cool border around the top of her room. After that Brinlie and Bayla's bathroom is getting the Under the Sea treatment complete with mermaids, coral, fish, bubbles and some other friendly sea creatures. I'm starting the butterflies on Saturday - stay tuned for pictures of the progress.

Today I am going to visit Cole for his actual birthday and check out Mason's room for his Toy Story room makeover.

Lots of other projects going on. Will update more later. Duty calls....

Love and Best Wishes!!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited about Brinlie's room and bathroom. she will LOVE it!!

