
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

...Who knows...

What a difference a day makes. Tuesday to be exact. My Facebook quote of the day pretty much sums up  how I'm feeling:
       "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." - Native American Proverb
I am trying to embrace this. Dwelling on the past, what has happened, and what I have been unable to accomplish does not help me be able to move forward.

I started this post last week and never finished it. . .

It was a very busy week last week, but I have no idea what I did. My new new boss started last Tuesday... and I haven't wanted to stay in bed after my alarm wentt off since. Each staff member had one-on-one meetings last week. I think mine went well and was productive. Already I have 3 goals for the next fiscal year that are applicable and atttainable. I also have new office hours: 9-5. I've been working 10-6 for the last 4 years because of the amount of traffic I encounter on the interstate, so it could get interesting. I must say that I am looking forward to the potential that this change brings.

This weekend was FUN!! Friday night I hung out with my BFF Jodi. We went out in search of scrapbook paper that would make cute frames for the boys' birthday party 'thank you' cards. We came out empty handed. Then we had a little dinner and a little ice cream!!!! Can't beat girl time AND ice cream.

Saturday started out early with Vacation Bible School (VBS) decorating at the church. I'm once again helping with crafts. Our theme this year is the Saddle Ridge Ranch. I'm with 4 other ladies teaching rising 1st-6th graders. Then I headed home to clean and get ready for GNO... but took a nap instead. Then when I woke up I was putting away groceries and decided to clean out my refridgerator. I did get some cleaning in in time for Kelly to arrive to set-up for the Thirty-One party portion of GNO. Bought some ridiculously cute totes and storage stuff... and signed up to be a consultant ( After the shopping, we had dinner - hot dogs and burgers grilled by my gracious husband, nachos, watermelon, cupcakes - and watched Bounty Hunter. Great movie!! So glad Jodi, Ashley, Kelly, Lori and Heather could come hang out. Our next adventure is the "Bachelorette Party" at the end of the month. FUN!!!!

Sunday I went to church, had a design consultation meeting, hung out with Ashley, went home to lay down for an hour after not feeling well and then headed back to church for our final VBS prep meeting.

At church, Pastor Barry's sermon moved me to make a decision about an issue I had been praying about for weeks. Girl Scouts. I was not sure if I should continue on with volunteering ar the leader of my Brownie/Junior troop. It had become very difficult to manage in terms of dealing with parents and being more of a babysitting service than an organization to help girls grown and learn. The sermon was about "prayer." One of the points that really stuck out for me was that when you pray you should pray about things that have a purpose. This lead me to see that the problem with my Girl Scout troop for me personally is that I lost my purpose. So, after VBS ends this week I am proposing to include my troop as part of the Children's Ministry. We will still be Girl Scout's, but have a Christian based structure.

So all this week I have been volunteering at VBS at Carolinas Cornerstone Church. It's been so much fun all week to spend time with the kids. We have made bandanas, bible covers and light switch covers. Tomorrow is the last craft night and then Friday is FUN night!! 12 kids made their committment to Christ tonight. It is awesome how He works,

After all is said and done with VBS this week, I have a TON of projects coming up. Harper's 1st birthday invitations, Adam & Caleb's 2nd birthday invitations, murals for Mason and Brinlie, a painting for Cooper's room, finishing my Pittsburgh painting, stock/general invitations, new business client designs, another mural for Kellie... who knows what else!! I'm so blessed to be so busy. I ♥ design!! Still working on my "Skinny Girl Trapped" blog and getting my LWDesigns blog transferred over to a regular website.

I'm blessed to be bale to do so much and continue to be involved in so many people lives because of my design work and volunteering. Good thing it's His plan and not mine. LOL!!

Love and Best Wishes!!

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