
Monday, May 31, 2010

What did I get into???

As I went to create a new blog post I noticed that I have updates from other blogs I follow. One in particular is my Chronological Bible Study. I'm not sure when I got off course... I think it was back in March when I got really sick with an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis. Well, I guess that's one that I should get back in the habit of doing.

In other news, I am in need of a sponsor. A personal sponsor like they have in AA. But I need mine to help me be accountable to get to the gym. I HATE going by myself. I guess the thought of someone else I love being tortured at the same time makes it easier to bear. After I stepped on the scale on Friday, I realized that this is an immediate need as I REALLY didn't like what I saw. I proceeded to have a REALLY good time at the wedding rehearsal we were attending. Sorry again, Brooke.

The Hartley-Doty wedding on Saturday was beautiful. Although I think that some people had too large of a time, it was fun and well thought out. I know that the newlyweds are happy and they both bring out the best in each other. Congrats!!

This week is our 5th Annual Bag Ladies Luncheon. I can't believe this is the event that got me my job. Many, many designs ago :) Hopefully everything will go smoothly and we'll raise lots of money for the kiddos wishes.

I have to send out some glittery invites and make business cards and moving cards this week too. Will post pictures later this week of all 3 and the invites and design implementation from the Hartley-Doty's.

Back to work...

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