
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

...and counting...

I went back to the doctor on Monday because the discomfort in my chest got worse over the weekend and the medicine they gave me isn't help anything break up. My primary care doctor said that since my breathing was shallow and labored he wanted to run an EKG. It came back with an irregular something-branch?? Not abnormal in younger people... and then sent me in to have a chest x-ray. The x-ray showed no fluid, so no pneumonia. But then said he wanted me to go immediately to the cardiologist.

I walked across the parking lot to the cardiologists office. The doctor, who was preoccupied with his own agenda, spent about 2 minutes asking a few questions and listening to my breathing before telling me to check with the receptionist who would schedule me for a stress test ASAP. Then he left the room.

WHAT!?!? So, I went to see the receptionist and asked if she knew what was wrong and why I was having this test ordered. She took me back and told the doctor not all my questions were answered. He then told me that they didn't think it was my heart but wanted to rule out the possibility because of my family history. Based on my symptoms he thought I could have bronchitis, a gall stone or an esophageal issue. He also ordered an upper gI and a sonogram of my gall bladder and a bunch of bloodwork.

When I told my mom all this she said that she has had a condition called costochondritis - inflammation of the sternum - related to HLA-B27.

Now I wait. Stress test on Thursday afternoon; upper gI and sonogram next Tuesday.

29 is not seeming to be a good year.

In other news, I got Brinlie and Bayla's mermaid cove done this weekend. I have the Roth's snowmen Christmas card done and designed my own cards. Made a gift wreath and got supplies to make some paper tree decorations. Hoping to get some more orders in and more projects to keep me busy and active. Can't wait for all the glitter and glisten of the season!!

Love & Best Wishes!

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