
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Learning Lessons, Making a Differnece and Adding a Little Sparkle to Things Along the Way

This past week was tough. On Sunday, my friend Cindy went home. Just a few weeks ago I had sent her a message about getting together. Around the same time she was hospitalized and never recovered. She had been fighting breast cancer for years, although the cancer is not what took her life. I had met with my new boss just before my message to Cindy. He encouraged me to seek people in my life that I look up to to be my mentors. I never had the opportunity to tell Cindy that she was my mentor. She was someone who always reached out to those around her and made them feel better. She put others needs, cares, worries and problems ahead of her own.

On Wednesday, I met with Lindsey, my church's Children's Ministry Leader. I had been praying about my involvement in the children's ministry and my other volunteer activities. We talked about my passion and the needs of the church. I knew that I my help was needed and I was so excited to learn that the Wednesday night program is all about kids serving the community through mission work.

To enforce my decision to expand my service to the church, God gave me a HUGE sign, when I least expected it. On Wednesday afternoon, at Miss Cindy's funeral, her pastor was giving a eulogy in her honor. During his comments he reflected back on a time when Cindy's daughters were young. Cindy was responsible for the children's program. He spoke about how she would engage not only the children in service but the adults as well. I knew then that Cindy would continue to be my mentor. How's that for a sign!!

Also on Wednesday I got some discouraging news. I have sciatica and bursitis in my left hip, This is the same hip that I had a hairline fracture in a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if it's related to that injury, the surgery I had on my knee, or something else unrelated. I am taking steroids to control the inflamation for the next 2 weeks. If the pain doesn't subside I will have to see the orthopedist and get scans and possibly injections in my hip to fix the issue.

This week, I had to say goodbye to two co-workers. Our Events Coordinator, Emily, and Director of Finance, Debbie, both resigned from Make-A-Wish. Not sure how the next few weeks in transition will be. Only time will tell.

The weekend did come right in time - and I'm so excited that fall is drawing near! We got to take the Austin and Taylor to the Clover HS football game. It was a great game and we had a lot of fun with the boys. Saturday, we went to the church budget meeting, got in a little shopping, cleaned the house (I did some painting and hubby worked outside) and then went to the Carolina Panther's game.

Sunday was fun at church! The kids made traffic lights to remind them that they can stop an argument to help create peace. We also had them work in groups with older/younger and boys/girls to practice their memory verse. They were so well behaved and PEACEFUL!! After church, my in-laws came up from Aiken. We had lunch and went to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. It probably wasn't the best day to tour the garden - the heat index was 96 with 51% humidity. But is sure was beautiful. They are holding a photo contest. Hopefully the hubby's picture will get selected; he took some amazing pictures from different perspectives.

This week should be slightly less demanding. I am working on a contract project called, "Dinner the Deserts." Hopefully, I'll get started on the mermaid canvas painting and finish my Pittsburgh painting and working on my new year Girl Scout plan.

This weekend was also Facebook Free weekend. Because I got so much done around the house, weekends will now be strictly limited to one 15 minute session a day. Although I am a self-proclaimed Facebook addict, next weekend will be no problem at all. Friday is a Sister's in Law meeting, Saturday is MAWF South Carolina statewide volunteer meeting and Summerfest in York. Sunday is the last week on of Children's Church until October and then painting the walls the base color in the Hoover's guest bath.

Here's to another week of learning lessons, making a differnece and adding a little sparkle to things along the way.

Love & Best Wishes!

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