
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stressed spelled backwards...

Eye Infection
I have a weird genetic marker called HLA-B27. It causes rheumatic conditions. It also makes infections worse sometimes because, like other immune system disorders it makes your body attack the healthy cells in your body when there's an infection.

For the better part of the past 3 weeks I have had an eye infection. It started when I was at a wedding, but I thought it was allergies since I tend to be allergic to lots of different types of flowers. It was bad for about 2 days and then got better. I thought. After finishing a busy event week for work the eye infection came back. It started the same - an itchy, burning like you get with allergies. The next day... I couldn't see out of my eye. I spent the entire day Saunday and Monday in bed with ice on my eye because of the pain. What I could see out of my eye were darks and light; no distict shapes or images. Tuesday I finally got out of bed for a few hours to eat and spend time with the hubby. But couldn't make it past hour three because of the pain and strain I was experiencing.

I came to find out that I had a scratch on my cornea. From wearing my contacts on top of the scratch bacteria was embedded in the cornea causing "fogging" and I developed 3 ulcers. Additionally, becuase of the infection, my body decided to try and grow blood vessels to my cornea so that white blood cells could get to it to fight the infection. Because the cornea is non-vascular, this creates a problem. After 5 days of antibiotic drops, I am glad to say that my vision, although still blurred, is coming back slightly. Hopefully at tomorrrow's eye doctor visit I'll get the go-ahead for steroid drops which are supposed to clear up the "fog" and restore my clear vision. With treatment it's expected my eye will heal in 3 weeks.

I believe in the power of prayer; so I ask that you keep my vision in your's.

Week-end Warrior
While I was home nursing my eye, I got a lot of design work completed. Wedding invitations for a relative, MR's BBQ business cards, Grace's 1st birthday invitations and the start of my very own website. I was so glad for the weekend to come to finally get out of the house. Unfortunately, this weekend has been ridiculously hot. (This is not really a complaint as I did choose to live in the land of 8 month summers :) )Of course it is the weekend that I participated in my first yard sale. I didn' sell much but I think I sweated off at least 5 pounds.

As a reward I got treated by the hubby to a deliciously wonderful banana split.

Next weekend, I have the privelege of painting a small mural in a friends nursery. The weekend after I get to paint a large mural in the friend of a friends nursery. Looking forward to both of these projects (and the pictures of before and after baby!!).

Party Time
Also on the agenda - Stacey and I have volunteered to head the planning of a awards dinner/party for the YCSO. I'm thinking along the lines of... The Thin Blue Line Ball??? Should be a fun time. I know I love a good excuse to throw a party.

I decided to postpone my Thirty-One party until July due to my week home-bound. New date is July 17th, at 7:00pm. This will be paired with dinner and a movie night at the Moseley Estate. Looking forward to another girls night IN.

Check back soon for a link to the new LW Designs website!!

1 comment:

  1. get better soon! remember to REST!! take a break from everything so that your body can heal
