
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Someone stop me...

I realized this week that I have a serious problem. Okay, I didn't just realize it, but I saw a cup that is officially my new motto. "Someone stop me before I volunteer again." I then proceeded to offer to take on new wish kids, drive 3 counties out of the way to run errands for work, in the midst of all my other "works in progress." I'm very thankful that my summer intern started and she is on top of her game plus the help of other interns that are all interested in various aspects of marketing.

No over-committing happened today.

Went to Operation Medicine Drop in Rock Hill. This is a great annual program where citizens of York County can drop off expired, unwanted or unused medicines (percriptions, OTC, and otherwise) to law enforecement to be destroyed. They collected over 150,000 pills throughout the county at 6 locations.

Got lots of work done at home - yard work, laundry and caught up on DVR'd Grey's (awesome) - but have so much more to do - cleaning, 4 sets of invitations, t-shirt design, final details of work event...

The fun never ends. Looking forward to another week packed full.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention hanging out with your BFF :0)
