
Monday, May 23, 2011

For the BIBLE tells me so

I have not blogged in quite a while. My world was turned upside down in February when I was let go from my job. I felt blindsided, as well as a number of other emotions. I leaned on my husband, family, friends and my pastor for guidance and support. I'll be honest, the environment at my job had escalated to be hostile at best. The negative atmosphere was emotionally, physically and physiologically draining. The stress I was going through took a toll on my health. I had prayed that God send me an answer about what to do. Not quite what I expected, but I guess that's why the old adage says to "be careful what you wish for."

The night before I lost my job, I applied for a new one. PR Specialist at a evangelistic ministry in Charlotte. Well,  I got that job. It has been an incredible new beginning. Not only am I working in the field I went to college for, but I get to pray openly everyday as part of my job. I have learned that there are people who LOVE their jobs because the people they work with and for care about each other. It is amazing to be somewhere that cares if you are sick, injured, grieving or even if you are doing great and getting to enjoy life without any hiccups. My boss, his boss, her boss and even the top executives know what is happening with their employees... and they CARE.

Now while my professional life is going extremely well, my health has been another issue. The last 4 weeks have been bizarre. I started with a allergy induced sinus infection. This is not unusual as I've been suffering with this ongoing issue since I was 12. As I began to feel better from the infection I get the stomach flu - gastroenteritis. I blame this on the weakened immune system from the sinus infection. So for about a week I could not eat solid food and struggled to keep jello and gatorade contained. On day 7, I was feeling better and moving on. Day 8 - I fell - literally -on my face. I was walking to the car to go to work and my knee (which I had surgery on in February 2009) buckled. I opened my eyes laying in the grass, hands full of blood. This was not what I hit! No, no. I hit the concrete sidewalk as evidence from the blood stains. I called the person I could think would get to me the fastest. My husband was out of town or he would have been the logical conclusion. Our friends rallied and got me to the ER. My cheek bone was bruised and I had scrapes on my face and cuts inside my mouth; but I think my ego suffered the worst. I was embarrassed that my face was swollen and scraped.

I am so lucky to have the friends that I do. To know that they would drop what they were doing to help me out while I was in need speaks volumes to their character.

I will say during all these struggles I have found peace and guidance in the Bible. I am not a scholar of the Bible, nor do I make any claims to be a person great knowledge in theology. I do know that when I can't seem to find the answer elsewhere, the words of God written in that Book are a sure sign that I'm not alone. I am not perfect, but through my faith I am forgiven. I can use the Words to help me make understanding of trials and fears and joys and celebrations. I pray that I can continue to grow in my faith and purge those things that hold back that growth.

I think things are finally settling back down. I don't expect many dull moments, just less crazy ones. I miss all the girls I used to work with and the bonds that were forged through our time together. I hope that with this new opportunity will come many other new experiences and friendships along the way.

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